What!!??? I'm 50 years old in the morning? How did this happen? 50 is the new 30 you know.
Turning 50 has not been to hard for me. I have aged up in races. I am the "young one" in my age group which, you would think, gives me an edge in next year races. These girls are fast! I just want to be the best I can. Always improving even if the race time does not show it.
October 28th, 2016 marks the start of the last year of this first half of this century for me. I want to live till 100 year old. I want to be the one who tells of stories of interesting facts to those who were not even born during the 2013 Boston bombing. Of the first black president and possibly the first female president. I have things to do. Races to compete in. Sister Madonna and Henriette Anderson records to break.
I vow to try my hardest to write in my blog at least once a week till I turn 51. Wish me luck and God give me strength to get through this next year.