The word limit is defined in Merriam-Webster dictionary as ":the utmost extent". Have you gone to your utmost extent? Have you even tried to reach your limit? Do you do what you need to do and that's it? Push your limits and go as far as you can! This life and earth has so much to do and see. I want to experience as much as I can. My birthday is tomorrow and I do not feel 53 years old. I just found out that being in your 50's is considered middle age. What?! Middle age?! To me that only means that I'm halfway there to my utmost extent!
I climbed Mount St Helens Friday. It was my second time being on this mountain in two years. Last time was May 14th, 2018, day after Mothers Day and snow the whole way. Made it to the top on that clear day with friends. This day I almost made it, solo. The wind close to the summit reached up to 70 mph! I could see the summit! So close, however, I reached my limit. I wanted to go as far as I could go. See what this little body God gave me could do. The wind and the fog that rolled in making it wet kept me from my goal. I was soaked but was warm. The wind blew the ash and snow in my face. I could feel the grit in my teeth. I did stay upright and was not going to let the mountain blow me over. I was sooo close but when my vision was starting to be affected that is when I called it done. Sheryl -1. Washington volcano -1.
I slept in my car at the trailhead. I had wanted to go the winter route up the mountain but the snow park was closed and no one else was there. I would have given me 2+ more miles on myclimb. To be safe I drove to the summer route trailhead called Climber Bivouac. Doing a quick search, the term bivouac means campsite. I learned something new! Arrived with right before dark. There were two other vehicles already there and more came later throughout the night/morning.
A pesky mouse was in my car and scratching and scrambling all night! He must have been in the tirewell. I found no mouse droppings or other signs of the guy. He was IN the car. I finally had to put my earphones on to drown out the guy. I had set my alarm, so I thought, to 4:30 but I ended up waking up just before 7am. I needed that extra sleep. So ok. I did not want to hike alone in the dark anyway.
I got dressed, ate a Picky Bar and finished my coffee from yesterday while getting my pack together. There must have been a couple dozen cars parked by then. For spring till fall only 100 climbing permits are given out for each day. Signed the check in book at the trail start and off I go. Another couple was heading out at the same time.
The forest is beautiful!! I shot a video while hiking and you will see. A mile in my left stupid heel started to hurt. The rubbing of my hiking boots was starting to bother me. My heel is still numb from the surgery and tender. I packed a pretty good first aid kit which included moleskin. Thank goodness. Stopped and got that on while tightening the laces better.
I kept waiting for the treeline as I hiked. I was excited to get to it. That meant I would have a better view and also knew what kind of climbing was involved after the treeline ascend. Rocks! Big ones. Lava rocks to climb over. I love climbing over things. Umm. Spartan-esk?!
At 2.75 miles a couple passed me coming down. Not sure if they made it to the top. I chatted with them a bit. The next person to pass me coming off the mountain was a solo older guy. I mentioned the wind and he said it was good for polishing teeth! He laughed when I told him what I do for a living, dental hygienist! Now I have something to tell my patients when they bitch about the polish I use on them. At least it's flavored! Get over it.
The wind blew the clouds in and blew them away. The views came and went. So pretty and amazing. Caught a glimpse of Mt Rainier and got a photo of Mt Hood. At times I could see the summit and people hiking then the cloud came in and was almost white out. I climbed from pole to pole that guided the way. I decided to get to the weather station near the summit and evaluate from there. Super duper windy!! You know those weathermen that stand out in the beginning of a hurricane and are blown off their feet? Yeah, like that! Having my hiking poles helped to brace me from the gusts. It was slow going. 20+ steps. Evaluate. A little farther. Evaluate. Finally when my vision started to be effected I called it good. The couple earlier that had started when I did quit sooner than me. The guy said that if I could put up with the wind and getting wet I should be fine. By golly I was going to put up with it, till I reached my limit. I had probably a hour at that pace till I got to the top. Then I had to put up with the weather going down and I was not wanting to do that.
Bummer that I did not get to the top of that mountain that day but happy that I did push my limit. Who knew that I could even get that far, alone. Not many did make it. It was too much wind. The videos will show how that bitch kicked my ash! lol I kicked her ash last year!
I took up 3 liters of water and lots of food. I only used the caffeinated chews on my way up and only drank 1 liter of water. Bad on me but I go by feel. I also did not want to bare my bum to pee in that wind and my four layers of clothes was soaked and warm to my skin. I kept thinking how cold it would be after stripping and how hard they would be to pull back on.
On the way down the only part of my body cold was my hands. My leather gloves were drenched. I switched out for small cotton gloves and they felt awesome! My left arm though was starting to hurt. More from gripping the poles than anything. I enjoyed a quiet hike down once I got to the tree line. The forest was so amazing! I even thanked a tree! (That's for you Hazel!)
Total time was 6:40. Miles: 7.53. Elevation gain: 4249 ft. Max elevation: 7732. Sumit was 8363. So close! Almost there! Calories burned: 1791. I stopped on the way home for a burger, fries and Coke! I never drank pop and I deserved this one! I needed the caffeine for the four hour drive home too.
Here is a link to my photos and videos. Hope you enjoy!
Flickr photos
What's next?? Stay tuned.
Sheryl Perales, Mountaineer
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Friday, October 4, 2019
2019-2021 Race/event schedule
Always subject to change:
- October 12th-- Snohomish River Run 10K
- October 25-- Climb Mount St Helens
- November 1st-- Begin Ironman training
- November 16th-- Gobbler Gauntlet Crossfit team competition
- January 25th-26th-- Burgener weightlifting clinic in Langley, BC
- April 4th-5th-- Seattle Spartan
- May 31st-- 70.3 Victoria, BC
- August 30th-- Ironman Penticton
- September 19th- 20th-- Seattle Spartan
- October 9th-- Ironman Championship Kona Hawaii
Tuesday, October 1, 2019
Do you get underestimated? I have my whole life. Know what I do about it? I use that as fuel under my flame and stride more powerfully and with more energy to reach my goals. Don't let people's words or actions undermine you. Use that to push you even more towards what you want. Silently laugh at them and realize that they don't know you like YOU know you!
I've been underestimated my whole life. Because I'm small and quiet does not mean I'm not strong and powerful or smart. I was told I would not get into dental hygiene school. Bam! I've been a dental hygienist for 17 years now. I was told I would not get into the Boston Marathon. Bam! I've gone and have qualified three more times, and I qualified for Boston AT Boston Marathon!
If you feel underestimated keep pushing and prove them wrong. Keep good people in your corner who know your potential and you can get it all figured out.
I've been underestimated my whole life. Because I'm small and quiet does not mean I'm not strong and powerful or smart. I was told I would not get into dental hygiene school. Bam! I've been a dental hygienist for 17 years now. I was told I would not get into the Boston Marathon. Bam! I've gone and have qualified three more times, and I qualified for Boston AT Boston Marathon!
If you feel underestimated keep pushing and prove them wrong. Keep good people in your corner who know your potential and you can get it all figured out.

Sunday, September 29, 2019
Spartan and beyond
What a great weekend of racing at Spartan this past month! I recommend that anyone who does not think you can do a race like Spartan and obstacle races to challenge themselves and get out of your comfort zone and do epic shit! Do different things. Find what you love. Take that love and go with it and see what you can do. It will be fun! I promise! Here are photos doing epic stuff!

That was a fun day for the Seattle Spartan Beast (13.6 miles) . The next day I did the shorter one, 4.0 miles, with team mates, Titus and Angela(her first!! Way to go girl!) That was fun with friends! Let's do it again guys!
I will be having a team you can join for the Spartan Sprint April 2020, 3+ miles with 20 obstacles. Looks for team Mud Pies sign up by the end of the year and train with me! I will help anyone train for their first obstacle race or show them ways to improve their skills. We will race and face challenges together!
I haven't run for three weeks. Last run was at 33 day streak. My right foot started to hurt and recovery was slow on my surgery foot so taking a break was much needed. I've been seeing my chiropractor, Dr. Giles at Hanson Chiropractic in Everett. They have played an important role in getting my body better. Blessed to have found them!
I went to a gymnastic seminar with a top level and 22+ years gymnasting coach teaching! I learned so much. Check out Travis Ewart at Invictus Gymnastics and get your handstands on!
I've been working on getting my own gym built on my property. The concrete pad is done and waiting for the building. Hopefully by the end of November I can move in.
This is my workout room right now. Pretty tight and sad. 😂
Soon to be a gym!
This happened today. Love PR Lifting in Everett! Had to buy a couple wallballs too. I got a great deal! And prechalked!
Yesterday I did a team competition with two wonderful ladies from The Loop Fitness! We didn't podium or even come in top ten at the end, but we had the best time and got to know each other better. We all pushed ourselves beyond what we thought we could do. The girls got several PR's and well! Way to go ladies! It was wonderful hanging out with the other team from The Loop and I feel we are definitely connected in this fantastic community. My triathlon teammate (Go Stoke Multisport!) and friend from another gym was competing too. So fun hanging out with Angie! She's a beast with that barbell!
My I Race Like A Girl leader raced Ironman Chattanooga today and won!! She is such an inspiration! She is so resilient and strong! And, she's going to be my coach for my next Ironman! How lucky am I! I start training November. Can't wait to get that gym built.
Way to go Angela Naeth!
I signed up for Ironman Penticton Canada August 30th, 2020! I'm going for that spot in the Kona Championship, October 2021. I have to get 1st or 2nd in my age group. Oh my! I've got big epic goals! I'm also signed up for 70.3 Ironman up in Victoria May 2020. Nice practice race.
Stay tuned for my adventures! Thanks for following! Hope I can inspire just one person.
Much love and more later..
Monday, July 15, 2019
2019 Lake Whatcom Triathlon was not as I had hoped.
- Morning jitters
-Pre race stomach issues
-Skipped allergy med and low on inhaler
-Race start
-Choppy grey waters
-0.90 miles with 5 buoys
-Didn't make it fine to first buoy
-Can't breath
-I have a swim angel on a kayak
-Ten seconds of doubt but I did not give up
-Ten freestyle strokes at a time between the breast, back and side stroke I did, my angel swim angel encouraged, but not sure if me or the other two who I was competing for last.
-Finish swim flags and I don't even want to run to my bike where mine is one of four left
-My bike, funner than the first half and I met a new friend
-Bike finish, run shoes and IRLAG hat straight on and to finish line left vs right.
-Race announcer made it sound like I was FAST. No I'm just last!
That was my race. Dead F...n Last.
I was somewhat depressed on the drive home and the next morning. My bike ride with a friend perked me up abit. But it still stings. I'm really trying to learn from this and use it to be better in the future and move on. That was a scary swim though. I wish I had done the one visualization thing that I usually do for open water swim nervousness and I didn't do it. But I did make it through that tough swim. I knew God had my back and I did not quit.
This was not from lack of swimming. I just did a swim just fine a couple weeks ago. (This is what I tell myself)
My first DFL and you know what? I feel good about it. I actually feel like it's an honor. Humbled I am. Third place out of three in my Age Group, and I get a medal anyway.
- Morning jitters
-Pre race stomach issues
-Skipped allergy med and low on inhaler
-Race start
-Choppy grey waters
-0.90 miles with 5 buoys
-Didn't make it fine to first buoy
-Can't breath
-I have a swim angel on a kayak
-Ten seconds of doubt but I did not give up
-Ten freestyle strokes at a time between the breast, back and side stroke I did, my angel swim angel encouraged, but not sure if me or the other two who I was competing for last.
-Finish swim flags and I don't even want to run to my bike where mine is one of four left
-My bike, funner than the first half and I met a new friend
-Bike finish, run shoes and IRLAG hat straight on and to finish line left vs right.
-Race announcer made it sound like I was FAST. No I'm just last!
That was my race. Dead F...n Last.
I was somewhat depressed on the drive home and the next morning. My bike ride with a friend perked me up abit. But it still stings. I'm really trying to learn from this and use it to be better in the future and move on. That was a scary swim though. I wish I had done the one visualization thing that I usually do for open water swim nervousness and I didn't do it. But I did make it through that tough swim. I knew God had my back and I did not quit.
This was not from lack of swimming. I just did a swim just fine a couple weeks ago. (This is what I tell myself)
My first DFL and you know what? I feel good about it. I actually feel like it's an honor. Humbled I am. Third place out of three in my Age Group, and I get a medal anyway.
I also questioned out there in the water if this is what I should be doing. I hate swimming, but I do love triathlon.
70.3 Ironman World Championship St. George 2021! or bust.
Monday, July 1, 2019
Hi all! Thanks for reading my blog! I haven't been posting often so I will get better at doing so.
This is an update on my business, Trillium Fitness. The past week has been so busy with meetings and classes. I also took two days off work and drove down to Portland for the Iron + Mortar Summit. It's a two day event with business classes from some of the best owners in the industry. It is put on for CrossFit affiliate owners and coaches as well as potential future owners. I decided months ago that I wanted to go and learn as much as I can about running a business. I was not disappointed!
I met several fantastic business leaders, owners and consultants. Most of these people are Crossfit superstars and athletes. I was super starstruck! Photos below. :) There were also vendors who gave great presentations/speakings. Everyone was helpful for me. The most influential as well as beneficial speaker was Jay Williams from Two-Brain Business.
He's helping me get organized with my daily life and my future.
I have been advised to work on one thing as a final goal, instead of messing around undecided about my future and doing too much with a scattered brain. I want to do it all but in order to be productive I choose one. I cancelled college. I was getting my accounting certificate as well as working on my ACE Personal Trainer. I need to work on what will make me happy and still be able to help people.
I brought my bike to Portland hoping to ride along the river. Ha! I had in on top of my car when I pulled up to the hotel downtown. Had to go around the blocks to figure out where to pull over and put into my car so go could go in the underground garage. After that I went down valet parking and beginning with the valet attendant to front desk clerk and restaurant staff, the hotel was great! I would go there again in the future. Kimpton Hotel Monaco Portland
I'll post later updating the photos and labels.

I know my blog is titled My way to Kona, I will get there eventually.
This is an update on my business, Trillium Fitness. The past week has been so busy with meetings and classes. I also took two days off work and drove down to Portland for the Iron + Mortar Summit. It's a two day event with business classes from some of the best owners in the industry. It is put on for CrossFit affiliate owners and coaches as well as potential future owners. I decided months ago that I wanted to go and learn as much as I can about running a business. I was not disappointed!
I met several fantastic business leaders, owners and consultants. Most of these people are Crossfit superstars and athletes. I was super starstruck! Photos below. :) There were also vendors who gave great presentations/speakings. Everyone was helpful for me. The most influential as well as beneficial speaker was Jay Williams from Two-Brain Business.
He's helping me get organized with my daily life and my future.
I have been advised to work on one thing as a final goal, instead of messing around undecided about my future and doing too much with a scattered brain. I want to do it all but in order to be productive I choose one. I cancelled college. I was getting my accounting certificate as well as working on my ACE Personal Trainer. I need to work on what will make me happy and still be able to help people.
I brought my bike to Portland hoping to ride along the river. Ha! I had in on top of my car when I pulled up to the hotel downtown. Had to go around the blocks to figure out where to pull over and put into my car so go could go in the underground garage. After that I went down valet parking and beginning with the valet attendant to front desk clerk and restaurant staff, the hotel was great! I would go there again in the future. Kimpton Hotel Monaco Portland
I'll post later updating the photos and labels.

I know my blog is titled My way to Kona, I will get there eventually.
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