What a great weekend of racing at Spartan this past month! I recommend that anyone who does not think you can do a race like Spartan and obstacle races to challenge themselves and get out of your comfort zone and do epic shit! Do different things. Find what you love. Take that love and go with it and see what you can do. It will be fun! I promise! Here are photos doing epic stuff!

That was a fun day for the Seattle Spartan Beast (13.6 miles) . The next day I did the shorter one, 4.0 miles, with team mates, Titus and Angela(her first!! Way to go girl!) That was fun with friends! Let's do it again guys!
I will be having a team you can join for the Spartan Sprint April 2020, 3+ miles with 20 obstacles. Looks for team Mud Pies sign up by the end of the year and train with me! I will help anyone train for their first obstacle race or show them ways to improve their skills. We will race and face challenges together!
I haven't run for three weeks. Last run was at 33 day streak. My right foot started to hurt and recovery was slow on my surgery foot so taking a break was much needed. I've been seeing my chiropractor, Dr. Giles at Hanson Chiropractic in Everett. https://everettpainrelief.com/ They have played an important role in getting my body better. Blessed to have found them!
I went to a gymnastic seminar with a top level and 22+ years gymnasting coach teaching! I learned so much. Check out Travis Ewart at Invictus Gymnastics and get your handstands on! https://www.crossfitinvictus.com/fitness/sp/invictusgymnastics.html
I've been working on getting my own gym built on my property. The concrete pad is done and waiting for the building. Hopefully by the end of November I can move in.
This is my workout room right now. Pretty tight and sad. 😂
Soon to be a gym!
This happened today. Love PR Lifting in Everett! Had to buy a couple wallballs too. I got a great deal! And prechalked!
Yesterday I did a team competition with two wonderful ladies from The Loop Fitness! We didn't podium or even come in top ten at the end, but we had the best time and got to know each other better. We all pushed ourselves beyond what we thought we could do. The girls got several PR's and well! Way to go ladies! It was wonderful hanging out with the other team from The Loop and I feel we are definitely connected in this fantastic community. My triathlon teammate (Go Stoke Multisport!) and friend from another gym was competing too. So fun hanging out with Angie! She's a beast with that barbell!
My I Race Like A Girl leader raced Ironman Chattanooga today and won!! She is such an inspiration! She is so resilient and strong! And, she's going to be my coach for my next Ironman! How lucky am I! I start training November. Can't wait to get that gym built.
Way to go Angela Naeth!
I signed up for Ironman Penticton Canada August 30th, 2020! I'm going for that spot in the Kona Championship, October 2021. I have to get 1st or 2nd in my age group. Oh my! I've got big epic goals! I'm also signed up for 70.3 Ironman up in Victoria May 2020. Nice practice race.
Stay tuned for my adventures! Thanks for following! Hope I can inspire just one person.
Much love and more later..